This past Sunday Pastor Mark spoke on I Corinthians 7. His main focus was verse 35 "I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord." He went on to pose two questions that have really stuck out in my mind this week. Angie has even brought them up to me and asked if I have used them this week, in which I said 'yes'. If you were in church on Sunday, you know the two questions, but since some of you weren't there I will tell you them. They are very basic questions, with a lot to think about when they are asked.
1. Is this beneficial?
2. Will this master me?
I urge you to try to use these this week. I have and it is difficult at times because of bad habits I have formed. I think that your life will change a bit if you ask these questions. I would like God's Word to master me, because I know that it is beneficial, but most times other areas of my life tend to override this area. Please pray for me as I continue to work to place God and his goodness first in my life.
If you would like a copy of this message, it may be on the Immanuel website soon, or let me know.