So a lot of us set goals or New Year's resolutions for this next year for ourselves. I have not done this for a while due to usually breaking them right away and also knowing that I don't need a new year to make a goal. But this year I did make a couple.
One, like Kelly, is to read through the Bible. I've never completely read through the Bible. I have a good plan this year that allows a reflection day every 7th day, which falls on Sunday. This is good so that I can focus on Pastor Mark's message.
Anyway today I was reading in Genesis 15-17. I noticed something interesting. God credited Abraham as righteous for believing that he would have a son and many descendants. Abraham then had a son with Hagar, not God's plan. He failed God, but after 13 years God came back to Abraham and made a covenant with him and Sarah had a boy named Issac.
God knew that Abraham was his man, even though Abraham questioned God, laughed at what God was telling him, went against God's plan and had a child with Hagar. God most definitely believes in second chances. Abraham was a righteous man, who still made mistakes.
I read this and think that God is a great God who cares for even me. Even though I don't always do the right things. God will be there to continue "His" work in and through me.