Romans 12:1-2

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - This is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform an longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and aprove what God's will is -- his good, pleasing, and perfect will.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Driving Against Traffic

I had an interesting experience tonight. I've always heard stories of people driving on the wrong side of the highway, well tonight I experienced this.
I was returning from Traverse City and was traveling south on M-47, north of Freeland. In the northbound lane there was a truck going south (this is the wrong way!). I called 911 and reported this and they said that they would send a car out. Well this guy kept going and cars were running off the rode to avoid him. This is a divided highway with a ditch in the middle.
Finally, just before the the road turns into a two-way, he went through the median to the right side. I had passed him, but chose to pull over and wait for him to pass me so I could get his license plate number, which I did and then called 911 again. I followed him into Freeland while on the phone the the dispatcher. I lost him when he turned and I didn't. I went back to try to find him, but he was gone. I saw the officer that was looking for him and shared where I think he went, and then I went on my way.
About a half hour later, the officer called me and informed me that he found the man, and issued him several tickets for his reckless driving. I told me that the man was not drunk, and blew a 0.0 in the breathalizer. He asked if I would be available for court if needed, and I agreed.
This was an interesting experience that I hope I never have to witness again. I was very afraid that I was going to witness a head on collision and traumatize the youth with me, but thankfully this didn't happen.


Anonymous said...

What a helpful citizen you are! I'm glad no one was hurt!

Kelly Glupker said...

Way to go Chris!! If he wasn't drunk, what in the world was his excuse?!?

Jenny LaBo said...

Great job! You showed the kids with you what a "helpful citizen" (like Kara said) should do. I am so happy that no one was hurt.

Pam said...

So glad God protected you and the other drivers on the road. That would have been scary!

Anonymous said...


What does "I told me" mean in this post? we southerners don't talk like that.


Kelly Glupker said...

I am kind of surprised that you haven't posted anything about the MI/Ohio State game. You must be waiting until it's over. I expect your next post to be either one of sadness or one of joy. :) Ben wishes he were with all of you guys watching the big game.